Primarily a tropical weather alert blog, usually, but not always, about Melbourne Florida weather. Initially, an easy way to tell my friends when to board up their house.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Drying out and cleaning up

Things are beginning to improve. The roads in this neighborhood are mostly dry now. I'm amazed at how quickly the drainage worked, since there was an awful lot of water that had to be moved here and elsewhere. Other neighborhoods obviously had more flooding problems than we did, and their cleanup will take much longer.

The sun made a brief appearance yesterday afternoon, and I was able to see a small piece of blue sky yesterday. First time since the weekend I think. As Fay slowly pulls off to the north and west at 6 MPH, conditions should improve. We remain under a tropical storm warning, and the rainshield still extends east of Orlando. The good news is that the satellite images indicate the cloud shield extends only about60-80 miles south of here--we might get another patch of blue sky later today, but hopefully more than that to help dry things out.

The center of Fay is near Gainesville this morning, and in three days is expected to be north and a little east of New Orleans. She has not changed strength very much since yesterday.

Looking ahead, there is another area of concern currently located 600 miles east of the islands. The Hurricane Center gives this a medium probability of development over the next 48 hours, so it bears some watching. Only one model (for now) develops this area into anything of concern, and that development passes well off to our east.



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